Manitoba - PNP Program

Manitoba PNP, Manitoba Immigration and Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Agent in Delhi

Manitoba - Canada PNP Visa Agents

Manitoba Immigration and Manitoba Provincial Nominee ProgramManitoba PNP Manitoba Immigration and Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Agent in Delhi, Ghaziabad, Noida, Faridabad, Gurgaon, India is GIEC Global India. We are Top Manitoba PNP, Manitoba Immigration and Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Agent in Delhi helping our clients in getting Manitoba PNP Manitoba Immigration and Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program to Manitoba, Canada from India.

Whether you want to come to Manitoba to explore our rich cultural history and natural beauty, work temporarily in Manitoba, or immigrate to Manitoba through one of the available options, including the world renowned Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program, this section will provide you with everything you need to know to be successful.

Skilled Worker System

The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) is in search for recent graduates, skilled employees, businesses, and their families who wish to settle and establish and become permanent citizens in Manitoba. Manitoba is simple to immigrate and settle.

The Manitoba Skilled Workers MPNP is locally oriented and focused ae per the Manitoba companiesโ€™ requirements. We identify internationally skilled and experienced professionals who has the skills required in the local labour market and recommend them to Canadian permanent resident visas to settle and work in Manitoba. There are two streams to consider:

Skilled Workers in Manitoba

Skilled Workers Overseas

International Education Stream

 The new International Education Stream (IES) for Manitoba graduates aims at providing the international students who graduated in Manitoba with faster avenues for nomination while fulfilling the needs of industry.

There are three possible routes:

Pathway to Employment in Your Career

Internship Pathway for Graduates

Pilot Program for International Student Entrepreneurs

Note that if you are an international student who finished their studies in another Canadian province, then also you may be eligible for the renewed Skilled Worker for  Manitoba Stream. The PNP-B business immigration category is replaced by the new Business Investor Stream. Manitoba can recruit and nominate eligible business investors, entrepreneurs from all over the world who want to develop or buy firms in Manitoba with the help of BIS. The $100,000 deposit is longer be mandatory for the applicants to provide as per the Manitoba government.

Business Investor Stream

Manitoba - PNP Program

The Manitoba Business Investor Stream (BIS) is a combination of two immigration streams for those with firm management experience who want to start a new business in Manitoba. The entrepreneurial stream is for general entrepreneurs with company plans in a variety of areas, whereas the farm investor stream is for agricultural entrepreneurs.

There are two routes to take:

The Entrepreneur Pathway is for people who want to start a business in Manitoba, while the Farm Investor Pathway is for people who want to start and run a farm in rural Manitoba.

Skilled Employees Manitoba 

Skilled Employees in Manitoba is made up of three immigration streams that are aimed towards workers who have previously obtained work experience or have job offers in Manitoba. Candidates for this stream must be employed and residing in Manitoba at the time of application or they may be invited to apply after attending an MPNP recruitment session held outside of Manitoba.