express entry visa

How does express entry work?

Express Entry Work visa

Express entry is an application process for skilled workers trying to get permanent residence in Canada under federal and certain provincial economic programs which has been handled through an online immigration system.

It is not an immigration process, it is a process of selecting the best applicants for Canada’s current skilled worker immigration process.


Which are the programs covered by the express entry?

  1. Federal skilled worker program
  2. Federal skilled trades program
  3. Canada experience class
  4. Select streams under provincial nominee programs

What is the express entry process?

Applicants use Express entry pool to submit an online self assessed profile which is scored using Comprehensive Ranking System.

What are the advantages of Express entry?

  • Factors such as age, education qualifications, work experience and language ability are considered when calculating points
  • An extra point will be granted if you have a qualified job offer and a provincial nomination.
  • Every two weeks periodic immigration draws will happen and those who have high scores will receive an invitation to apply for permanent residence. 
  • Candidates who got a coveted ITA then the candidates have 60 days to apply for permanent residence under one of the programs above. 
  • ITA becomes invalid if you fail to submit the application on time within the 60 days time frame.
  • 85% of the time the ideal processing time for applications received through Express entry is 6 months. 
  • Based on Canada’s economic needs the ability to alter the program can be quickly and effectively.
  • Based on the labour market requirements it is better to align with Canada’s immigration intake.
  • The applicants can increase the points while they are in the pool which can help them to get an invitation to apply.
  • Offers a clear and realistic picture of a candidate’s Canada immigration prospects.
  • Processing time can be reduced by prioritising the most apt applicants.
  • Give more immigration flexibility for the government through program specific draws and CRS changes.

How we can help you?

  1. Assess: to start your immigration process to Canada right now our team is the best choice for helping you for it. 
  2. Improve: if your profile is already submitted under Express entry then find how to increase your ranking score.
  3. Apply: if you have received an invitation to apply then find the process for applying permanent residency.

Why did Canada launch an Express entry?

Express entry is considered as an example to all countries to show how to run a fluid and flexible economic immigration systeThe Canadian government can respond to the changes in the economy and labour market through immigration by making small changes in the Comprehensive Ranking System.

Does express entry apply to Quebec?

French speaking provinces have their own version of the system, Quebec does not use Express entry.

Expressions of interest in Quebec operate the same as Express entry.

Applicants who score high on Expression of Interest Bank will be invited to apply for a Quebec selection certificate (CSQ)